Chat and dating app for everyone in Singapore, find friends nearby
If you are looking for love or finding the right one, Singapore Chat is for you.
Singapore Chat is a FREE dating and chat application for all people in Singapore.
- Chat and meet people from all over Singapore.
Find and date your soulmate!
With Singapore Chat, you can:
• Chat and meet new people.
• Chat and messages with images sharing ability.
• Have your own profile and wall.
• Talk to people Nearby, maybe in your neighborhood or city!
• Send gifts to your soulmate.
• Pictures and News Feed from awesome people.
• Add friends.
• Notifications for Comments, Messages, Likes.
• Get likes and like other people.
• Search for other members.
• You can see who visited your profile and who is interested in you.
• Upgrade your account and become a VIP.
Singapore Chat is secure and we don't share your information with other parties.
Other people can't see your details unless you choose to share them.
Singapore Chat strictly forbids any publish or distribution of pornography or any other kind of adult or sexual content.
Enjoy it, It's 100% FREE!
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On our website, you can easily download the latest version of Singapore Chat, Date and Love! No registration and SMS required!